• Profile balancing is generally done over 1-2 appointments, with each appointment taking around an hour including numbing time.

    The results from the filler are instant, and generally last around 9-12months. Each time you have this done, the results will last longer as the filler induces collagen into the region over time. Some areas such as the chin can retain filler for much longer so in terms of maintenance, it is more than likely that not all of the areas treated initially will require maintenance frequently.

    Most profile balancing patients tend to return for maintenance treatments once every 12-18months.

  • It can be a bit uncomfortable however we numb the skin prior to the treatment with numbing cream.

    The results can be seen instantly, but tends to improve and settle over the next 3-4 weeks post treatment.

  • Downtime with filler in most areas is generally very minimal and makeup can be applied the next day.

    Tenderness and mild swelling is expected for a few days (especially the lips if they are being treated) as well as potential for mild bruising in some cases. We provide pre and after care instructions to go through ways we can further minimise this.


Profile Balancing

Signature Treatment

Profile balancing is a bespoke blend of treatments designed to subtly and artistically improve your side profile. Often people dislike their side profile, but are unsure what it is that they don’t like. The aim is to balance your features delicately in relation to one another.

Profile balancing can involve small amounts of dermal fillers to one or more of the following areas:

  • Nose (see here)

  • Chin (see here)

  • Chin Crease

  • Lips (see here)

  • Forehead

This is one of Dr Anj’s specialities and most popular treatments as profile balancing needs to be done delicately and artistically. Everyone’s face is different so consultation for profile balancing is especially important so that Dr Anj can understand your concerns and look at your face to consider what we can do to naturally tweak your side profile so that all your features are in balance. You will still look like you, but more balanced. Please see examples in the gallery below.