Cheek filler
  • The appointment takes around 45 minutes, with the actual procedure taking only around 15 minutes.

    The results from the filler are instant, and generally last around 12-18months. Each time you have this done, the results will last longer as long as the initial scaffold of filler is still in place.

  • Cheek filler is generally not very painful however we do numb the skin prior to the treatment with numbing cream.

    We also do not use needles in this delicate area, to reduce swelling/pain and also to be safe and minimize complications. Instead we use a micro-cannula to deposit the filler. This is blunt ended and uses only a single entry point on both sides, thereby reducing trauma and minimizing risk.

    The result can be seen instantly.

  • Downtime with filler in this area is generally very minimal and makeup can be applied the next day.

    Tenderness and mild swelling is expected for a few days as well as potential for mild bruising in some cases. We provide pre and after care instructions to go through ways we can further minimise this.

  • Patients often worry they are going to look ‘rounder’ with cheek filler and often describe some celebrities as examples. These kinds of exaggerated looks are usually due to too much filler being placed. Rest assured, your results will be natural and not overfilled!


Cheek Filler

Filler in the cheeks can be used to add structural support to the face or restore volume that has been lost due to the ageing process. We can also use specific fillers to add contour and definition if desired.

If you feel you lack cheek volume, adding some filler subtly into the area can aid in improving the light reflections on the area, giving a ‘lifted’ and more sculpted look. Along with the tear troughs, the midface is one of the first areas to lose volume from our mid-late 20’s and this can make us look more sunken. Losing cheek volume due to early ageing also contributes to heaviness in your lower face and the formation of nose-mouth lines and jowls.