Chin filler
  • The appointment takes around 45 minutes, with the actual procedure taking only around 15 minutes.

    The results from the filler are instant, and generally last around 12-18 months. Each time you have this done, the results will last longer as long as the initial scaffold of filler is still in place.

  • It can be very slightly uncomfortable however we numb the skin prior to the treatment with numbing cream.

    We generally place the filler with a small amount of injections only and results can be seen instantly.

  • Downtime with filler in this area is generally very minimal and makeup can be applied the next day.

    Tenderness and mild swelling is expected for a few days as well as potential for mild bruising in some cases. We provide pre and after care instructions to go through ways we can further minimise this.


Chin Filler

Our chin is an area most people don’t consider but which is so pivotal to the balance of our face overall. Placing dermal filler (injectable hyaluronic acid) into the chin can:

  • Bring a chin that is naturally further back, further forward. This makes our nose look smaller and balances a side profile beautifully, as in the example on the left.

  • Lengthen a face which is naturally shorter on the lower half. This can give the face a beautiful feminine taper and balance proportions of the face overall.

  • Give the illusion of a less round or less square face by giving better contour to the chin area.

  • Indirectly improve jawline definition as bringing the chin forward results in more tension on the skin along our jawline, this is also visible in the example on the left.

This treatment is often combined with chin shadow filler to give a seamless transition between the jawline and the chin, to keep results the most natural and undetectable.

Chin and chin shadow filler is also often done in combination with nose and/or lip filler as part of Dr Anj’s signature Profile Balancing Treatment.